For Trust: Important EOFY Actions - Prepared by Wis Australia Aug 2023
Dear clients,
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is actively targeting trusts and how trusts distribute income to beneficiaries. We explore the essential trust compliance and risk areas in this update:
In brief - A summary of key changes and actions. Page 3
What’s new - An explanation of key changes that may affect your business, your trust and you. Page 4
Areas of ATO scrutiny – Page 11
Trust housekeeping - Essential pre-30 June actions. Page 12
Reduce your risks and minimise your tax - Our tips and traps to reduce your tax liability and risks. Page 17
A number of clients have requested a strategic review of their business and structure to ensure that they are in the best possible position in the future. Let us know if you would like us to explore the options with you.
If you have any questions about the issues outlined in this update, or if you have any concerns, please call us on (02) 8384 9265 or by e-mail to info@wis-au.com.
Kind regards,
Wis Australia