Alvin FungMay 314 minASIC Focus Areas for 30 June 2024 ReportingThe ASIC provides biannual guidance to financial statement preparers and auditors on key focus areas.
Wis AUMay 243 min【财务智航】IFRS 18新准则解读:财务报表披露的重大变革2024年4月9日,国际会计准则委员会(IASB)发布了《财务报表的展示和披露》新准则IFRS 18 。IFRS 18将于2027年1月1日或之后开始的报告期生效。 生效后,IFRS 18将取代现行会计准则IAS 1。
Wis AUMay 233 minIFRS 18: Transforming Financial Reporting for Enhanced Clarity! IFRS 18 introduces new requirements to improve companies’ reporting of financial performance and give investors a better basis for analysing